When you have not yet hunted, or are a new hunter, judging size and yield from an animal is a difficult prospect, especially on a budget. One tip is to not overthink it. You might really want a Kudu, but only Waterbuck or Wildebeest show up. It is often a good idea to make the decision to first take what comes in and then to wait for the “first choice”, especially if your time is limited. That way you have meat in the freezer. Otherwise, you might end up not drawing your bow the whole trip.
- The averages below is what you can expect from a 90% animal and should only be used as a guide for estimating.
- Different regions will have differing averages.
- Based on early season condition
- Actual meat weight received from the butcher will vary depending on processing and fat content added.
Blesbuck |
MaleLive Weight: 70-75kg FemaleLive Weight: 55-65kg |
Blue Wildebeest |
MaleLive Weight: 250kg FemaleLive Weight: 200kg |
Bush Pig |
MaleLive Weight: 55-60kg FemaleLive Weight: 55-60kg |
Buffalo |
MaleLive Weight: 800kg FemaleLive Weight: 750kg |
Eland |
MaleLive Weight: 700kg FemaleLive Weight: 460kg |
Gemsbuck |
MaleLive Weight: 230-240kg FemaleLive Weight: 200-210kg |
Giraffe |
MaleLive Weight: 1200kg FemaleLive Weight: 800kg |
Kudu |
MaleLive Weight: 250-270kg FemaleLive Weight: 190-210kg |
Red Hartebeest |
MaleLive Weight: 130-145kg FemaleLive Weight: 115-130kg |
Impala |
MaleLive Weight: 65kg FemaleLive Weight: 45kg |
Warthog |
MaleLive Weight: 100kg FemaleLive Weight: 70kg |
Waterbuck |
MaleLive Weight: 230-245kg FemaleLive Weight: 170-180kg |
Zebra |
MaleLive Weight: 300-330kg FemaleLive Weight: 300-310kg |
Averages for Calculations
Animal Weight 100% (100kg)
minus 10% for loss (10kg)
Adjusted weight minus 43% for innards, skin and offal (38.7kg)
= Carcass (51.3kg)
Carcass weight minus 22% for bone (11.3kg)
= Usable Meat (40kg)