Very, Very Basic Biltong


Very Very Basic Biltong

If you want the most basic, unspiced, but still quite tasty (and perfect for toddlers and little kids to nibble on) Biltong Recipe... then this is it.

(also... pretty much foolproof...)

Course Snack
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Author Sean Nel


  • 1 kg Wild Game Meat You can also use beef
  • 200 ml Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 cup Rough Salt
  • 1 tbsp crushed peppercorns (optional)


  1. Cut your meat into strips about 30% larger than what you want your final biltong to be

  2. Rub the meat with salt, and lay down in a glass bowl. 

    Game meat is already fairly rich in flavour, but if you are using beef, or want more flavour, crush the peppercorns and use it as part of your salt rub

  3. Cover the glass bowl and put in the refrigerator for an hour or so

  4. Remove from refrigerator and sprinkle the vinegar over the meat (do not soak the meat in vinegar) 

  5. Remove the meat from the bowl and set hanging hooks on the ends. Place on a clean plate or bowl so that the meat doesn't soak longer in the vinegar 

  6. Hang in Biltong Drier or drying cage, and wait three to 5 days

About Sean Nel 51 Articles
Sean Nel is a staff shooter for Archer's Edge South Africa, Beestinger, GoldTip, Sureloc and Health Matrix as well as an accredited Archery Instructor with the South African National Archery Association (SANAA)